Why Indochem

Why Indochem & Polymers

We provide
  • Real time Global and Local market intelligence
  • Correct buying and technical advice
  • Variety of raw material options
  • Stocking, distribution and assistance in transportation

Industries are finding sourcing raw material challenging in the highly volatile global market. Indochem & Polymers has, over the years, built the expertise and in-depth knowledge about the global petrochemical market and the Indian consumer demand. With over 45 years of experience we help our customers make the correct buying decision through competitive prices and technical guidance

For polymers, we offer our customers multiple sourcing options including global as well as local Indian suppliers. We have a pan India presence with offices and warehouses in Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur. This allows us to offer our customers quick response, timely delivery and proper documentation. Besides sourcing raw material we can also provide our customers ample financing options as needed.

For chemicals, we develop innovative additives for various industries through our dedicated in house R&D. Besides high performance we also pride ourselves in offering end to end solutions that are cost effective and provide maximum gains to our customers.

We have built a strong reputation of honoring our commitments over the years. We believe our core values of integrity, client satisfaction and innovation differentiate us from our competitors. When you choose to do business with Indochem & Polymers you are partnering with a company that puts its customer’s first.